I often get asked “do street dogs carry diseases, or are they more aggressive, can they be socialized, etc. My answer is very simple – they are no different from any other dog you have met. The way we treat animals reflects the way we are as humans. Animals are not born to be aggressive; we only make them aggressive when we mistreat them. Not all street dogs can survive on the streets, and that is why they are often in bad shape when we rescue street dogs.

The World Health Organization estimated that there are around 200 million street dogs worldwide. Yes! There are many street dogs and many dogs are adoptable but often people don´t want to adopt a street dog – due to the lack of knowledge and myths that they hear about street dogs. The myth has been communicated for ages. So let us break down 5 myths and facts about street dogs that we always come across.

Myth 1: Street dogs are unhealthy & may have a disease

YES, we hear this all the time. I can tell you that people breed across the world and many dogs come from good kennels but have diseases due to overbreeding. My police dog, a German Shepherd, is from a Danish well-known kennel. She has hip dysplasia and disc herniation-and by the way she is only 4 years old and was diagnosed with her illness when she was two. My street dog Santa is almost 12 years old and I never had any issues regarding his health. Only when he eats poop! But that I can live with.


The real fact is you can never be 110% sure that where you adopt a dog from or buy a dog from that the dog is 110% healthy. Some breeds are common to have hereditary diseases. And the street dogs that are adopted from Santa Dog are dewormed, spayed, and have their vaccines.

Myth 2: Street dogs do not make good pets.

Street dogs are fighters. It’s their basic instinct to survive as long as they can. This makes the street dog more intelligent than the normal family pet. They are more grateful for food, love, and a warm bed. 

They build trust and become wonderful family pets. It takes time, but by the end of the day, it seems like the street dog appreciates it more. 

The real fact is that the street dog adapts very quickly to new soundings and becomes a part of the family without you even knowing it.

Myth 3: Adopting a second-hand animal is taking on someone else’s problem.

You don’t know the history of the street dog, however, we all carry luggage. No one is perfect, neither are you. Yes, I wrote the sentence that nobody likes to hear. 

There are two kinds of street dogs. 

The one that is born on the streets

The one that is rescued from the streets, because they are unwanted by the owner


The real fact is that no animal is a problem. They are born into this world whether we like it or not. No one of them is less adaptable.

Myth 4: Street dogs from the animal shelter have been abused.

A street dog can be shy or frightened. They are unwanted and people don´t always have the respect of treating them kindly. How you treat a street dog will eventually become an example of what you are. As mentioned before, animals are not born with aggression. We have seen and rescued many abused street dogs, but when they got adopted, their life changed and their personalities changed-they blossomed.  


The real fact is that it depends where you live. There are good and bad public shelters. We only see the goodness in the street dogs – and each street dog should experience having a good family. 

Myth 5: Street dogs from animal shelters have trouble bonding with a new family.

Street dogs are used to living on their own and never got any care and love like other breed pets, and that’s why street dogs often bond more strongly to a new family because of their experience and their history.  

The real fact is that adopting a street dog saves a life and helps make room for another life to be saved.