My name is Sander Lee. I am a fully certified dog trainer, dog physiotherapist and soon -to -be dog behavioral consultant BSc in Animal Behaviour Therapy). I have been training dogs since 2017 and working full time with dogs since summer 2020. In my work I deal with everything from basic training of puppies and family dogs to rehabilitation after injuries and operations and also longer behavioral treatment of dogs with serious challenges such as anxiety and aggression.
I started working with dogs dreaming of one day being able to help dogs who really need it such as dogs that have been left behind, abused or just never got the chance of a decent life. My desire has only grown greater now that I have seen how much these dogs can develop in a home that wants them. I have worked with many dogs who at the first and last meeting were unrecognizable and the connection between dog and owner has always been something very special.
Dogs require activation.
An understimulated dog is a dog that causes problems and this applies to all dogs regardless of their background and race. If you do not feel like going for a walk every day and giving your dog some small sniffing tasks and other mental challenges, then dog adoption is not the right thing for you. If, on the other hand, you want to invest a little bit of time every day in working with a new family member, then this is an opportunity for a special and unique love.
Of course, I will always be available with tips and suggestions of how to best introduce the dog to your new home and meet its needs in the short and long term.
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