Become A Member

As a non-profit organization, we rely entirely on the generosity of our donors to finance out day to day operations and keep helping street dogs in need. You can support us by making a monthly donation or sponsor a dog in need. With hundreds of animals that need help in shelters, a gift of sponsorship is used to help all of them, including the dog you have chosen to sponsor. In order to provide adequate care for all the animals, Santa Dog Foundation allows a dog to be sponsored by more than one person. When you choose to sponsor an animal in need, you´ll receive all updates about your dog throughout the year. Most of the dogs that are in Santa Dog Foundation sponsorship are planned to be adopted, since our aim is to give the dogs a better life where they can have a normal life as a family pet.

Membership Benefits

What is it for you? Becoming a member of our Santa Dog Membership you not only support all the doggies that we help around the world but you also let all the magic happen! The magic is when the sweet dogs find their forever home.

Each month you will receive a newsletter from our sweet rescue dogs and their story of how they traveled a long way to meet their new family. And you will get an update on, what your membership has made a difference for shelters, and rescue dogs that Santa Dog Foundation has helped.

How The Membership can help

What your Santa Dog Membership can do for our animals Your gift of sponsorship is used to help all the dogs and other animals Santa Dog Foundation cares
for. Your donations, generosity provide more help and love to the dogs in need:

For 10€: Provides de-worming for 1 cat or small dog
For 20€: Provides 1 bag of dog food of 15kg
For 35€: Covers the monthly costs to support one dog

For 50€: Provides neutering of one dog & rabies vaccine
For 75€: Provides routine vaccinations & microchipping
For 250€: Provides routine dental care for 1 large dog
For 1000€: Provides neutering for 10-15 dogs

We try our best at Santa Dog Foundation to help the shelters each month with the donations that we receive. We treat all animals in our care equally, regardless of whether they are sponsored or not. Your donations are used to help all the animals in need, including the one you have donated to.

What kind of membership

There are 4 types of membership that you can choose between:

– Santa Dog Bronze: €10
– Santa Dog Silver: €15
– Santa Dog Gold €20
– Santa Dog Platinum: €50

If you are unable to commit to monthly donations, that´s not a problem. Every little bit of help counts! Any one-off donation will be allocated to our general donations fund and help us more than you know!